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How to Identify Financial Vultures on a Trans Dating Site

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz

In the world of online dating, especially on trans dating sites, it’s important to stay vigilant. Unfortunately, not everyone has genuine intentions—some may be more interested in your wallet than your heart. These “financial vultures” can appear charming and sincere, but their ultimate goal is to exploit your generosity.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to identify and steer clear of those who are more interested in draining your bank account than building a real connection.

Be Cautious if she Frequently Asks for Money

If someone you’re dating online starts asking for money early in the relationship, it’s a big red flag, especially if the reasons are unclear or seem suspicious. A genuine connection shouldn’t come with a price tag, and financial requests at the beginning are often a tactic used to test your willingness to give.

A neutral gesture of an open hand with light skin tone, shown from the side against a blank white backdrop.
A simple yet meaningful symbol of openness. –

To protect yourself, set firm boundaries and politely decline any requests for money. Pay close attention to how she reacts—if she becomes upset or pushy, it’s a strong indication that her intentions may not be genuine. It’s always safer to keep your finances private until you’ve built a solid, trust-filled relationship.

Avoid Someone who Pressures You to Buy Expensive Gifts

In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel valued for who they are, not for what they can provide financially. If she constantly pressures you to buy expensive gifts or insists that you pay for everything, this is a sign that she may be more interested in your money than in you. Feeling obligated to spend money to keep the relationship going is a clear indicator that something is off.

Stand your ground and communicate your discomfort with this dynamic. A genuine partner will respect your boundaries and will not measure your affection by the size of your wallet. If the pressure continues, it might be time to reconsider the relationship.

Watch Out for Inconsistent Stories about her Financial Situation

Inconsistencies in someone’s financial stories can be a major warning sign that something is amiss. For example, if she tells you she’s financially stable one day but then claims to be in dire straits the next, it’s worth taking a closer look.

A man with short blonde hair and a beard, wearing a red T-shirt, holding his hand to his forehead with his eyes closed, expressing frustration or exhaustion.
A moment of visible frustration or fatigue. –

To protect yourself, ask questions and pay attention to details. If her stories don’t add up or keep changing, it’s a good idea to step back and reassess the situation. Trust your instincts—if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

Be Wary if She Suddenly has an ‘Emergency’

Emergencies can happen, but when someone you’ve never met in person suddenly needs money for an urgent situation, it’s a common tactic. People can use fabricated emergencies to create a sense of urgency and pressure you into sending money without thinking it through. If this happens, it’s important to stay calm and not act immediately.

Instead, offer non-monetary support, like suggesting local resources or asking for more details. If she continues to push for money or becomes insistent, it’s suspicious. Always be cautious when money is involved, especially when you haven’t met the person face-to-face.

Pay Attention if she’s Evasive about Meeting in Person

If someone you’ve been talking to online for a while keeps avoiding meeting in person, it’s a red flag that they might not be who they claim to be. Some often string people along with endless excuses to keep the relationship virtual, where they can continue to manipulate you.

Two glasses of white wine clinking together, held by two hands, with a scenic beach and ocean backdrop during a colorful sunset.
A toast to the sunset by the ocean. –

A genuine connection will naturally progress towards meeting face-to-face, so if she’s constantly finding reasons not to, it’s worth questioning her intentions.

To protect yourself, suggest a video call as a step towards meeting in person. If she’s still evasive, it’s better to move on and focus on building connections with people who are open and honest.

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Recognize if She Asks for Financial Help under the Guise of a Medical or Personal Emergency but Can’t Provide any Proof

When someone you’ve met online suddenly needs financial help for a medical or personal emergency but can’t provide any proof or specific details, it’s a major red flag. Bad people often use emotional stories to tug at your heartstrings, hoping you’ll act quickly without asking too many questions. If she can’t or won’t provide verification, such as medical documents or a way to confirm her story, it’s best to remain cautious.

Instead of sending money, offer non-financial support like researching local aid resources. If she continues to press for money without clear evidence, it’s safer to cut ties and protect yourself from potential fraud.

Avoid Someone who Seems Too Perfect

If she seems too perfect and the relationship is moving forward at lightning speed, take a step back. Some try to create an intense connection quickly, showering you with affection and promises of a future together, only to eventually ask for money. This rush can make you feel flattered and special, but it’s important to stay grounded.

A woman with long brown hair wearing a gray bikini top and a necklace, tilting her head slightly as she runs her fingers through her hair, standing against a textured gray wall.
Casual elegance in natural light. –

A genuine relationship takes time to build, with trust developing naturally over time. If you feel things are moving too fast, communicate your concerns and slow down the pace. If she resists or pushes back, it’s a sign that her intentions might not be genuine.

Be Skeptical if she Refuses to Video Chat or Provide any Real-time Proof of Her Identity

In today’s digital age, video chatting is a common way to verify someone’s identity and build trust in an online relationship. If she consistently refuses to video chat or avoids providing real-time proof of who she is, this is a significant warning sign.

If she gives excuses for why she can’t video chat or avoids other forms of real-time interaction, it’s likely she’s not who she claims to be. Insist on a video call before moving forward in the relationship, and if she continues to evade, consider it a clear sign to walk away.

Watch Out for Signs of Emotional Manipulation

Emotional manipulation is a common tactic used by scammers to make you feel guilty or responsible for their well-being. If she constantly shares sob stories or tries to guilt-trip you into giving money, it’s a sign of toxic behavior. She might say things like, “I thought you cared about me,” or “I’m really struggling, and you’re the only one who can help.”

A woman with long black hair wearing a black coat and gloves, standing outdoors in partial sunlight, with her hands clasped together near her face, appearing contemplative or in prayer, against a textured stone wall.
A woman immersed in thought. –

While it’s natural to want to support someone you care about, it’s crucial to recognize when you’re being manipulated. Set clear boundaries and refuse to be pressured into financial decisions that make you uncomfortable. A healthy relationship should be based on mutual respect, not guilt or obligation.

Trust Your Instincts

If your gut is telling you that something feels off, it’s important to listen. If she’s consistently asking for financial favors or the relationship seems too perfect, too fast, these are clear red flags.

Trusting your instincts can save you from getting involved in a harmful situation. If something doesn’t add up or feels too good to be true, take a step back and reevaluate the relationship. It’s better to be cautious and protect yourself.

It’s crucial to stay vigilant and protect yourself. If you’re looking for a community where your safety is the top priority, create a My Transgender Date account today. Never settle for anything less and get to know why we are the top provider of high-quality dating for trans women and the men who love them.

Posted in Love and Relationships
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About the author

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
Amanda Valentine is a transgender woman who has written about trans topics for over 10 years for My Transgender Date. She is an author who made it on Amazon’s best-seller list by writing 5 books on trans women’s relationships. Her book “Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen” peaked at #3 in the Transgender Studies category on Amazon. She started writing at the age of 10 and won a poetry contest in 4th grade which convinced her to pursue a career in literature. Her personal experiences as a transgender woman give her a unique perspective on trans topics.

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