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Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz

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Amanda Valentine is a transgender woman who has written about trans topics for over 10 years for My Transgender Date. She is an author who made it on Amazon’s best-seller list by writing 5 books on trans women’s relationships. Her book “Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen” peaked at #3 in the Transgender Studies category on Amazon. She started writing at the age of 10 and won a poetry contest in 4th grade which convinced her to pursue a career in literature. Her personal experiences as a transgender woman give her a unique perspective on trans topics.

This author’s posts

Transgender Artists Shaking The Art World

Art comes in many shapes and forms. It can be consumed through movies, books, music, paintings, and more. However, we’ve created this list to specifically introduce transgender artists who are more inclined outside of the entertainment industry and into the world of art. These artists are not inhibited as they share their message and expressions […]

The Scandalous and Brave Mary Jones

There are many iconic transgender people in the modern era but this iconicity traces back further to the 1800s. Yes, where social media wasn’t alive and the term transgender didn’t exist. The word transgender was coined not until the year 1965. Today, you’re going to discover the life of Mary Jones, one of the most […]

29 Inspiring Transgender Quotes to Live by

Life may not be all rainbows and butterflies and it’s definitely not a place where transgender individuals are completely safe to live. However, it can be a great place if you learn how to adjust your mindset. Today, we’re going to share 29 inspiring trans quotes that you may apply to your daily life. Just […]

The Life of Jacqueline Charlotte Dufresnoy AKA Coccinelle

It’s comforting to see that the movement for transgender rights is consistent and treading forward. But it’s also important to know the beginnings and the people behind it that made pivotal leaps to get where it is today. Many people might think that entertainment is not a serious type of movement. But on the contrary, […]

The Life of Crystal LaBeija

After the TV show Pose became a hit, people’s curiosity about the Ball Culture multiplied tenfold. The Ball Culture, also referred to as The Ballroom Scene is New York City’s underground shindig in the 90s and 2000s. The attendees were African-American and Latino drag queens who weren’t recognized in drag queen circuits because of racism. […]

Harisu, First Transgender K-pop Star

The Korean wave started popping out of the stereos of East Asia and Southeast Asia in the early 2000s. Now, they’re taking over the world and many of K-pop Stars and their hits are presently heard in the west amidst the language barrier. The catchy tunes, energetic beats, and amazing visuals are all instrumental in […]

Rachel Levine, First Openly Trans Admiral 

The year 2022 proved to be monumental for transgender individuals around the world. Gone are the days when trans people are only known in the world of arts and entertainment. Some are making strides in partaking great feats in the government. Today, we’re celebrating the first transgender admiral, Rachel Levine. We’re going to discuss how […]

Transgender Songs To Listen To

We’ve created a list of transgender singers but today, we’re going to be discussing songs about transgender individuals. The best songs are often the ones that can evoke a person’s emotions. Too many songs about love and heartbreak are always at the top of the charts for that very reason. However, when it comes to […]

Are Trans People allowed in the Bible

When it’s a slow day in the religious departments, they often condemn people who belong to the LGBTQIA+ community. Most of the targets are the ones who express their love for the same sex. They are often lesbians, gays, and transgender individuals. Today, we’re not going to discuss the obvious. We’re going to try and […]