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Category: Love and Relationships

Online Dating Etiquette for Trans Women

True love and being real are cool and all, but if you want success in your romantic life, some strategies must be applied. This is also true in all aspects of life. So if you’re serious about finding the one, keep reading. 1. Avoid too revealing photos There’s nothing wrong with the notion “If you […]

Saving Tips for LDR Couples

Money is the common culprit as to why some couples settle for a long-distance relationship. And having financial problems is not something that can easily be solved using a magic wand. If you’re in this type of relationship, you have to make sure that you’re doing all that you can to literally and figuratively take […]

Why Trans Women Must Set Boundaries in Dating

One of the best-kept secrets of trans women in dating is setting boundaries. Today is the revelation of that secret and why you must join the bandwagon for you to improve your dating life and secure the man of your dreams. Please know that this may or may not apply to you so take everything […]

Safety Dating Tips for Transgender Women

With the violence that trans women continue to face, it’s very important to pursue romantic relationships with caution. If you’re a trans woman, please finish this guide and share this with your girlfriends. 1. Take time to know him before the meeting It may be quite tempting to expedite dating but rushing a meet-up will […]

Why Is Your LDR Failing?

Many people have been in a long-distance relationship for years. However, some of them have been forced to be in one because of the COVID-19 pandemic which broke out in 2020. If you are one of them and you’re pretty new to this type of setup, keep reading. Please know that this guide was created […]

How To Be Less Intimidating

Are you a trans woman who always gets comments like you’re intimidating? This may pertain to many areas of your life. Some may feel that you’re too attractive. Others may think it’s your posture or the way you communicate. While others just get this vibe from you because of the topics you often talk about […]

Improving Conversations With Your Partner

Are you in a relationship, whether a long-distance, online, or offline one? Do you often find yourself arguing with your significant other? If so, it only means that both of you are not communicating well. Yes, constant arguments without anyone dropping the other proves that the two of you like each other. But that’s not […]

How empathy helps in dating transgender women

Many strategies in transgender dating websites involve a lot of the physical aspects of dating. However, when it comes to looking for a lifetime partner, these strategies are not something that you should focus on. If you’re looking for your soulmate and you’re willing to make some adjustments, you’re on the right track. What transgender […]

The Unconditional Love That Trans Women Need

No matter which stage you are in the world of trans dating, it’s never too late to know how to determine what type of unconditional love trans women needs. This will be your leverage in making them feel that you are genuine and that you’re not after them because of a certain fetish or to […]