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What to Expect from a Transgender Surgery?

Gender reassignment surgery is quite a vast topic so I’ve decided to make a condensed guide of the most important details that you have to know. This guide will be all-inclusive and we’re not just going to discuss the neovagina. If you’re a trans man who happened to stumble upon this guide, keep reading as […]

5 perfect gifts to give when dating a transgender woman

Dating a transgender woman is like dating any other women, you impress her by all means just to get her heart.  Dating may have changed over the years,  and dating has evolved into so many forms like dating transgender women online.  Ways and forms of dating may change but the objective has remained the same […]

How to tell my parents that my girlfriend is transgender

In today’s topic, we will be dealing with something common in the world of transgender dating. Sure, it may seem kind of an innocent thought to think of having a trans girlfriend or be attracted to trans women. However, are you really ready to experience everything else that comes along; especially when friends and family […]

Top transgender movies to watch

I’m not an expert when it comes to critiquing movies. I often write about trans dating. However, I’m going to share with you some transgender movies that feature trans people and why you should watch them. Let it be known that you can watch whatever genre of movie you like and I’m not trying to […]

Why are men attracted to Transwomen?

Because a trans woman likes to emphasize her femininity, whereas many ciswomen no longer do so? Because cisgender men feel threatened by social changes or, on the contrary, they embrace the challenge of the traditional gender and s*xuality dichotomy? Or maybe because they simply “like women with d*cks. I like t*ts and I like d*cks… Something erot*c […]

My Transsexual Date now accepts Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin

We at My Transsexual Date are die hard technology lovers. That’s why back in 2015 we already wanted to play our part in the cryptocurrency revolution and offer our members the option to pay by Bitcoin (the mother of all cryptocurrencies). Thanks to our partner Coinbase, we are now able to also accept payments by Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and […]

Transgender women who date transgender women

Dating… a word that sounds very familiar but a word that cannot simply be defined in a quintessential manner. It goes in myriad directions, above and beyond. You know the fundamentals of it. However, will you be able to have the same familiarity when it veers from what you think you know? There are a […]