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Category: Informational

The Colorful World of the Transgender Umbrella

The LGBTQIA community comprises many spectrums. But amidst the abundance of variety, each spectrum can further be expanded, making the rainbow truly colorful. Today, we’re going to inform you about the transgender umbrella. Please don’t think that this is yet another “buzzword of the day”. You’ll be surprised by how diverse the trans umbrella is. […]

What is Native America’s “Two Spirit”

It should be common knowledge that gender is a spectrum. However, determining this fact is not enough to truly understand the importance of one’s SOGIE (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression). Knowing the different colors that create the colorful rainbow of gender identities provides people with more than enough knowledge and the ability to converse […]

AFAB and AMAB – A Brief Gender Study

In today’s woke culture, buzzwords are saturated and they can get really confusing. But it doesn’t mean that one should not make an effort to at least understand their meaning before dismissing them. After all, knowing the meaning behind these semantics are not only helpful in enriching one’s vocabulary. Having knowledge about these words aid […]

The Happiness brought upon by Gender Euphoria

Many studies talk about how gender dysphoria causes transgenderism. But today, we’ll be discussing something that has not so much stemmed from scientific studies, but a feeling that many individuals from the trans society share, gender euphoria. Before we get to the nitty-gritty of the gender euphoria definition, understanding what dysphoria and euphoria mean will […]

Trans Feminists and Trans-inclusive Feminists

It seems like there’s a new movement happening every day and if you’re someone who’s into humanitarian causes, it can get easily confusing. There’s a paradox of causes and fights to support and people tend to overlook the fact that not all of these are actually helpful in achieving the goal of achieving equality and […]

Do Transgender Women get Periods?

Menstruation is a common occurrence in cisgender women. People commonly associate periods with having a vagina. Nowadays, transgender women have access to gender reassignment surgery. And many people are curious whether red days come along with a trans woman’s neovagina. But before we proceed in answering this question, let’s first discuss what exactly menstruation is […]

What is gender-neutral and inclusive language?

It seems like the buzz words within the LGBTQIA+ community for over a year now are gender-neutral language, gender-neutral pronouns, and gender-inclusive language. A lot of you may be confused because the semantics seem to keep piling on top of each other when the 22nd century arrived. But if you have 5 minutes to spare […]

The Facial Feminization Surgery FFS Guide

If you’re a transgender woman, you may have heard about facial feminization surgery (FFS). Others call it FFS surgery while some refer to it simply as FFS. No matter what you call it, it’s one of the most integral parts of surgical male-to-female transitioning. If you’re interested in facial feminization, keep reading.

Transgender Sports and the Athletes

Since time immemorial, sports have been part of the global culture. Most people participate in sports as a hobby while some, for professional reasons. In most sporting activities, competition exists. Along with this competition are winners, runner-ups, and various placements.

Can a Trans Woman Get Pregnant?

Many people who are not adept with transgender and gender identity terminologies often get confused. Added to that confusion comes the question of the existence of a pregnant transgender woman. For you to have a better understanding of today’s topic, you first must have an idea of the basic transgender terminologies.