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Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz

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Amanda Valentine is a transgender woman who has written about trans topics for over 10 years for My Transgender Date. She is an author who made it on Amazon’s best-seller list by writing 5 books on trans women’s relationships. Her book “Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen” peaked at #3 in the Transgender Studies category on Amazon. She started writing at the age of 10 and won a poetry contest in 4th grade which convinced her to pursue a career in literature. Her personal experiences as a transgender woman give her a unique perspective on trans topics.

This author’s posts

Why Transgender Names are Vital for a Trans Individual?

Transgender names can be very tricky most especially if legalities are involved. A transgender person must assess theirs completely before taking the jump. To some, choosing a name can be quite exciting. It’s like picking a baby name or a pet name. However, to a transgender person, it’s more complicated because it’s what’s going to […]

The science behind Transgender

In 2021, transphobia still exists and it’s still quite rampant wherever you go. This goes as far as to debunk transgenderism with anti-scientific sentiments mostly coming from ultra-religious people equating trans people with spawns of the devil. In today’s topic, we’re going to discuss the science behind transgender people and transgenderism. This guide wasn’t created […]

What’s the difference between Gender and Sex?

We’ve seen and heard gender and s*x often being intertwined and sadly, mistaken as the same thing. However, there’s a fine line in the difference between s*x and gender. It’s time to dispel the common notions that people have with these two words. In today’s world, it’s vital to know s*x vs. gender in order […]


There are so many acronym variations of the individuals who belong in the rainbow. It can get quite confusing but a little education can go a long way if you’re part of the LGBT community or you’re an ally. Perhaps, this may be the most inclusive acronym of all because it not only includes the […]

What is queer and are you one?

A lot of the articles in My Transgender Date revolve around the life of transgender women and the men they date. However, transgender individuals are still part of the LGBTQIA community and it’s only fitting to introduce one of the spectrums to My Transgender Date’s audience. Today, you’re going to learn about the term queer, […]

Transgender Issues you MUST know

There’s a reason why transgender issues are always in light in the media. As long as injustice still finds its way to persist towards trans communities, transgender individuals will always appear on the headlines. This has got to stop because they just want to live with normalcy.

Coming out as a Transgender person Successfully

Life is quite tough for a lot of people but for transgender individuals, it’s even tougher. The moment that they’re born, fate’s already running its course in determining how the outcome would be if they choose to come out as transgender. Some skeptics may deem this difficult feat as a choice and can be easily […]

The difference between Transgender and Transsexual

Are you new to the terms that surround transgender people? Are you planning to date transgender women or you’re someone who’s considering undergoing transition? Today, you’re going to find out the difference between transgender and transsexual. Please know that everything that’s written here is for educational purposes only. It was not created to offend or […]

Transgender Statistics 2020

2020 is a historical time for people around the world. It’s when the height of the COVID-19 pandemic occurred. Statistics are more focused on what’s encompassing the virus. However, in this guide, we’ll give you all the latest possible transgender statistics that relate to different aspects of life. These numbers are all collated from different […]

All About Gender Non-Conformity

A lot of people are confused with the newly recognized individuals in the LGBTQA+ spectrum. It can be overwhelming especially if you’re a novice in learning more about this topic. However, today, we’re going to discuss something that’s a bit confusing on its own; gender nonconformity.