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What is queer and are you one?

A lot of the articles in My Transgender Date revolve around the life of transgender women and the men they date. However, transgender individuals are still part of the LGBTQIA community and it’s only fitting to introduce one of the spectrums to My Transgender Date’s audience. Today, you’re going to learn about the term queer, […]

Why Transphobia shouldn’t Exist?

The world is ever-changing towards a more inclusive place. However, homophobia and transphobia still exist. Today, you’re going to know as to why this word was created; and how such a semantic wreaks havoc on humanity. If you’re not interested in accepting people who are different from who you are, skip this article. However, if […]

Why Transgender Suicide Rate is Shockingly High?

The majority of transgender and non-binary individuals have experienced discrimination one way or another. Resilience is one of the strongest suits of people who belong in this demographic because of oppression. However, a staggering transgender suicide rate is still apparent amidst the LGBTQ+ movements. According to the study of the American Academy of Pediatrics, LGBTQ […]

Am I a Transgender Person?

I know that I often talk about transgender dating but there is one thing that must be said. If it’s a soulmate that you’re looking for, you must have a better understanding of her through decrypting her past. Today, I’m going to discuss my real gender identity and being assigned male at birth in its […]

What to Expect from a Transgender Surgery?

Gender reassignment surgery is quite a vast topic so I’ve decided to make a condensed guide of the most important details that you have to know. This guide will be all-inclusive and we’re not just going to discuss the neovagina. If you’re a trans man who happened to stumble upon this guide, keep reading as […]

How to tell my parents that my girlfriend is transgender

In today’s topic, we will be dealing with something common in the world of transgender dating. Sure, it may seem kind of an innocent thought to think of having a trans girlfriend or be attracted to trans women. However, are you really ready to experience everything else that comes along; especially when friends and family […]

Why are men attracted to Transwomen?

Because a trans woman likes to emphasize her femininity, whereas many ciswomen no longer do so? Because cisgender men feel threatened by social changes or, on the contrary, they embrace the challenge of the traditional gender and s*xuality dichotomy? Or maybe because they simply “like women with d*cks. I like t*ts and I like d*cks… Something erot*c […]