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Transgender Dating Pandemic Edition

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
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Dating is hard enough on its own yet here you are trying to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic while single. However, romance is still possible amidst the virus. Giving up on it is just another excuse for you to put love on the side. There’s no better time in finding your soulmate than today.

If you are truly serious about changing the course of your love life, keep reading.

Pandemic Dating Options

Even with the presence of vaccines, we’re still not sure when the pandemic will end. Currently, the lockdowns have managed to continue after a year. Who’s to say that the world is going back to the “old normal”?

Don’t let time pass you by. It’s time to go with the flow and discover the new normal type of dating.

My Transgender Date

Needless to say, the most virus-free way to trans dating is My Transgender Date (MTGD). Yes, there are other options but why settle for anything less? If you’re serious about finding a life partner, you should use the best catalyst for your quest.

My Transgender Date

MTGD allows you to get to know a person without compromising your health. It’s also a heavily-moderated platform that will ensure your safety from romance scammers and online perverts.

Expanding Network

My Transgender Date doesn’t only allow you to link up romantically. You may also use it for networking purposes. Even if you don’t end up with someone who you invested your time for, it’s always a good idea to keep them as a friend.

Expanding Network

Who knows? Maybe they’ll hook you up with someone else. You’ll also be surprised as to how purposeful you’ll find this person for your future endeavors.

Starting LDR

If you want the safest way to start a relationship, your best option is a long-distance relationship. However, you must know that a lot of couples who start from this often break up because of the frustration of not being able to meet up.

Starting LDR

But alas! Because the pandemic doesn’t allow us to travel freely, people you’ll meet will have a better understanding and endurance with this type of situation. If you’re up for the challenge and are willing to wait, try LDR.

Dating in Person

Not everyone’s up for a challenge. Only a few truly appreciate time and words as languages of love. Most people are into touch and need an actual presence when they’re dating someone. When it comes to dating amidst the pandemic, there’s no hard line.

Dating in Person

You can still meet people, granted that you follow strict COVID-19 preventative protocols. Today is your lucky day because we’ve come up with a list on how to date in the time of COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Protocol Dating Ideas

First thing’s first, you must always wear a face mask! If you have access to a face shield, you can add that as well. If you want to make it a three-hit combo, add the gloves.

Doing so will give your date an idea of how protective you are. Not only will they think that you’re concerned with your health. They’ll also feel like you are protecting them as well.

Open Space Restaurant

Some studies have shown that COVID-19 spreads easier in crowded and smaller spaces. These are eateries, gyms, etc. Because in these places, one can’t wear a mask at all times, the virus penetrates easily as the cramped space and openings (mouth and nose) give it a less hard time.

Open Space Restaurant

If you want to eat with your date, the best way in doing so is to find a restaurant where eating outside is available. You’re not only lessening the chances of getting the virus, but you’ll also have a more romantic ambiance.

There are many restaurants with garden seatings. You may also find a quaint restaurant that has beautifully set tables on the sidewalk. The advantage of doing this style is that you will be served and the food selection is generous.


If you and your date have access to the park, meet there! The only downside to it is you’ll lose the element of surprise and service. Not that there’s anything wrong with eating from a take-out box on a park bench. But you must remember, most especially if you’re a guy, that your goal for the first date is to impress.


However, not all trans women are into the bougie type of life. Some of them prefer something quirky and lowkey. What would level up this date is if you can find a park that isn’t frequented by many people. Just imagine how romantic it’d be like if it’s just you, your date, and nature.


If you can meet at a nearby lakeside, seaside, or any open area where you could set up a picnic, you’re lucky. Not only will it be ultra-romantic, but it’ll also make your date feel like they’re quite special.


The reason why you should look for open space is that you want to capitalize on the view of the stars at night. Just imagine you and your date laying down on a picnic cloth and having meaningful conversations while gazing upon the stars.

Don’t be too daunted with this idea. If you don’t know how to cook or bake, there’s nothing wrong with buying from a restaurant. However, you must not forget the wine. It’ll help you set the mood and make the night even more magical.

Open Space Coffee Shop

Now, if you’re only meeting someone out on a whim, an open space coffee shop is the perfect place for you. Because you haven’t invested a lot of time in getting to know this person yet, it’s foolish to go through a lot of hassle.

Open Space Coffee Shop

But remember not to be too cheap if you’re a guy. At the very least, buy your date a cup of coffee and dessert. You’ll never know, that person may be the one. Always give a good first impression.

Still having trouble in finding the love of your life or let alone a date? What are you waiting for? Create a My Transgender Account today! Remember, spread the love, not the virus!

Posted in Love and Relationships
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About the author

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
Amanda Valentine is a transgender woman who has written about trans topics for over 10 years for My Transgender Date. She is an author who made it on Amazon’s best-seller list by writing 5 books on trans women’s relationships. Her book “Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen” peaked at #3 in the Transgender Studies category on Amazon. She started writing at the age of 10 and won a poetry contest in 4th grade which convinced her to pursue a career in literature. Her personal experiences as a transgender woman give her a unique perspective on trans topics.

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