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“My Transsexual Date” becomes “My Transgender Date”

In 2021 we decided to rename My Transsexual Date into My Transgender Date. Why the change? Let me explain everything. A little bit of history We initially launched our dating site in 2013, under the name My Ladyboy Date. As the name implies, it focused on Asia. In 2014 we launched a second website – […]

IDAHOT: A Very Important LGBTQIA Day

If you’re a member of the LGBTQIA+ community who’s anti-oppression, you must learn about IDAHOT. It’s one of the most important days that not only celebrates members of the spectrum. It also empowers individuals to fight against society’s still rampant discriminatory ways.

The Facial Feminization Surgery FFS Guide

If you’re a transgender woman, you may have heard about facial feminization surgery (FFS). Others call it FFS surgery while some refer to it simply as FFS. No matter what you call it, it’s one of the most integral parts of surgical male-to-female transitioning. If you’re interested in facial feminization, keep reading.

The World’s Famous Transgender People

No matter how discriminatory the world’s climate is against transgender people, they still push through and flourish. Beyond the stereotypes, underestimation, and negativity that surrounds transgender individuals, there’s light. Today, you’ll be introduced to a lot of famous transgender people.

Transgender Sports and the Athletes

Since time immemorial, sports have been part of the global culture. Most people participate in sports as a hobby while some, for professional reasons. In most sporting activities, competition exists. Along with this competition are winners, runner-ups, and various placements.

All About Transgender Day of Visibility

It’s March again and do you know what this means? If you belong to the transgender community and you still don’t, keep reading! It’s the only month of the year when Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) is celebrated! This event is chock-full of activities raising trans discrimination awareness and celebrating transgender individuals.

Can a Trans Woman Get Pregnant?

Many people who are not adept with transgender and gender identity terminologies often get confused. Added to that confusion comes the question of the existence of a pregnant transgender woman. For you to have a better understanding of today’s topic, you first must have an idea of the basic transgender terminologies.

Why TERF is Harmful to Transgender Women?

If you have been following the news about the movement or welfare of transgender women, you may have stumbled upon the term TERF. This term has been quite popular and has been linked to many personalities in the entertainment industry. However, this term has negative connotations to it. If you are a transgender woman, you […]

Gender Inclusive Housing for Transgender Teens in College

Studying in college is one of the most exciting and life-changing times in a teen’s life. Choosing a course, meeting new people, joining sororities and fraternities, and all of the other fun activities are all to say none the least, quite enticing. However, for a transgender teen who’s entering college, these thoughts can get complicated. […]

Transgender Books to Read

Are you in a literary mood but your interest in transgenderism is also prevalent? Why not mix both and read transgender books? Today, you’re going to be provided with a list of great books concerning transgender people, be it fiction or non-fiction. Most of the books that are in here are easily found on Amazon […]