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How Pose can help Transgender Women with their Dating Lives

Pose is a hit Netflix show that exploded and skyrocketed many trans women actresses to fame. The story revolves around the lives of transgender women and other LGBTQIA+ individuals in New York’s Ballroom Culture in the 80s. The Ballroom Culture highlights a recurring gathering of people from the LGBTQIA+ community called a ball night. It’s […]

Top Trans Actors You Should Know About

Transgender representation in mainstream media has always been problematic, especially since the most common tropes that have been made popular often portray transpeople – and especially transwomen – in a negative light. But there are exceptions to this depressing trope. Some might surprise you, and others you may already know. Late 2018 to 2019 was […]

Destiny Maylas, Transgender Activist, Social Media Influencer

In the Philippines where there is a large presence of the transgender community, one would be surprised to know that most of the women here still don’t have access to proper hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There are no clear laws in place to protect and help them make an informed decision on how to transition […]

The Transgender Day of Remembrance 2021

One of the most important events in the transgender community is the Transgender Day of Remembrance and today, we’re going to give you a quick recap on what it is so you can participate in the TDOR 2021. Before getting to the nitty-gritty of how to get involved, it’s time for a brief history so […]

Celebrating Trans Awareness Week 2021

As of 2021, a lot of nations have not recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic yet. But this doesn’t mean that the world should stop its social progress. To avoid regression and stagnance, one must know how important Trans Awareness Week is. Having this knowledge will give you an important role in shaping the world into […]

What is gender-neutral and inclusive language?

It seems like the buzz words within the LGBTQIA+ community for over a year now are gender-neutral language, gender-neutral pronouns, and gender-inclusive language. A lot of you may be confused because the semantics seem to keep piling on top of each other when the 22nd century arrived. But if you have 5 minutes to spare […]

Beauty Tips for Trans Women from My Transgender Date COO

Inspiration comes from many places. However, when it comes to transitioning and beauty, we need something more concrete and relatable. Are you a transgender woman who has lost your confidence in the dating world or life in general? If so, it’s time to get to know more about Miss Maki Gingoyon. She’s the Co-founder & […]

All About National Coming Out Day

Many people choose to live in secrecy for discretion purposes. However, some do this as a form of survival. Sadly, in 2021, belonging to the LGBTQ+ community can still prove to be fatal, most especially in countries whereby same-sex relationships are criminalized by law. Today, you’re going to learn the importance of the National Coming […]