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Top Transgender Podcasters You Should Follow

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With so many forms of entertainment, it’s very hard to select which one to choose. The pandemic has slowed down the time but it has also left more room for idleness. Books and films share the same requirement to be enjoyed, they entail 100% undivided attention.

This is where music and podcasts take over. They can be consumed while you’re doing other tasks. But not all content by podcasters is of quality and it’s the reason why today, we’re giving you a guide to following highly entertaining transgender podcasters.

Please know that this will not only enlist transgender podcast-centric channels. It may also include trans podcasters who don’t necessarily feature trans content all the time.

Transformation Thursday

If you’re looking to feel like you’re in a girl talk session, Transformation Thursday is the right channel for you. Hosted by a lovely trans woman Amy Stephens and Sarah Cannon, you’re going to learn a lot about the current tea about transformation, entertainment, fashion, and more.

Transformation Thursday


Are you the type who wants to keep up with the latest news about the LGBTQIA+ community? If so, TransPantastic should be at the top of your list to follow.

Hosted by George, an FTM transgender male, and his pansexual genderqueer wife Jess, it takes on:

  • Gender Identity
  • Parenting
  • Peers
  • Sexual Orientation
  • LGBTQIA+ Issues
  • Transformation and more

Men Like Us Podcast by Chris

Although not hosted by a trans person, Chris is the type of guy that a trans woman should be looking for. He is open about his love for trans women and in his podcast, he encourages other trans amorous men to stop living in the downlow and be proud to have a trans woman partner.

Men Like Us Podcast by Chris

He also helps other men achieve healthy relationships and engage in matters that are important to trans people.

Trans and Caffeneited

Arielle Rebekah is a gem and her content stands out among other transgender podcasts. The reason being is because her content focuses on educating the trans youth about the important matters that they should be discussing and fighting for.

Trans and Caffeneited

According to the official description of her channel, Trans and Caffeneited is rooted in a singular dream – to aid our culture’s growth by fostering collective education, encouraging open discussion, and most importantly nurturing and inspiring new generations of my transgender siblings.

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The T Pod

If you want a mix of trans issues, trans lifestyle, bed talk, The T Pod is for you. Hosted by Stephanie, a trans woman, and Spencer, a trans man, self-dubbed as

Your friendly neighbourhood trans people.

The T Pod

Their pod is a mix of interviews and chat, covering topics from news to making love. The T Pod episodes are really fun to listen to. If you want something truly entertaining while also being educational, you should add them to your playlist.

The So Free Art Podcast

To add variety to your transgender podcasts list, follow The So Free Art Podcast. It is perfect for trans people who love the arts, specifically, painting. Hosted by transgender artist Sophie Lawson, she will give you tips on how to draw and paint.

The So Free Art Podcast

She also discusses esoteric topics and tips about meditation, universal laws, and more. This is not your average podcast because you won’t only learn about your physical self, but you’ll also get more ideas of who you truly are to the core.

The Reconstructed Man

Are you a transgender man who needs tips in transitioning? Are you having a hard time finding FTM peers in your area and do you need some sort of emotional support in your journey?

The Reconstructed Man

Hosted by Layne Ingram and Daniel Thurman, The Reconstructed Man discusses trans issues through a trans masculine perspective. According to their official site description:

Everyone is welcome —Trans, Cis and everyone in between—who is interested in important conversations around our ever-evolving and fascinating world of gender identity and the ways in which we can contribute to a Reconstructed and more inclusive society.

This project was born out of a desire to amplify the visibility of the FTM Trans experience, engage an active community of allies, and embrace and uplift our entire, beautiful Trans community.

Camp Wild Heart

Another non-trans podcaster who deserves to be in this guide is the Camp Wild Heart channel. The reason being is because it’s dedicated to educating parents who don’t have an idea on how to raise transgender children.

Hosted by Mackenzie Dunham, the channel is like a roadmap chock-filled with parenting tips. In fact, its latest episode features Michelle, a cisgender woman and a mother of three. In it, they talked about Showing Up.

Camp Wild Heart

Here’s the premise from their official website.

Showing up means more than just your physical presence in a room. Showing up for your child is about the quality of your presence. Showing up means connection and attention–putting your phone down while your child is on the playground, taking advantage of every second of the three minutes your child engages with you about their day.

Showing up is about making sure our kids feel soothed, safe, seen, and secure.

And the research on child development clearly demonstrates that one of the very best predictors for how any child turns out–in terms of happiness, social and emotional development, leadership skills, meaningful relationships, even academic and career success–is whether they developed security from having at least one person who showed up for them.

Across cultures and around the globe, these studies reveal a universal finding about how we can parent well, if not flawlessly.

What The Trans

There’s so much going on in the trans community around the globe. One of which is the decline of the UK’s policies in protecting the well-being of transgender people. This is why you must be in the know if you’re planning to make a change.

What The Trans podcast

This is where What The Trans comes in, they talk about the most pressing issues that transgender people face. To know more about where to find them, feel free to visit their Twitter account or the other links below.

Caught Between a Tie and High Heels

Jamie, a transgender man shares his journal through an engaging and heartwarming podcast. There, you will learn more about his life, and his wife, Dee, who will both share their ongoing experiences as a couple that’s coming out of the closet.

Caught Between a Tie and High Heels

If you feel like you’re alone in the journey of transitioning into a man and are having a hard time coming out to your family and friends, you should definitely subscribe to him.


These are just some of the top Transgender Podcasters you should follow. If we missed your favorite, please feel free to suggest by writing their channels in the comments section below. Don’t forget to include a brief description of what their channel is about so that the others will feel enticed to check them out.

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About the author

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
Amanda Valentine is a transgender woman who has written about trans topics for over 10 years for My Transgender Date. She is an author who made it on Amazon’s best-seller list by writing 5 books on trans women’s relationships. Her book “Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen” peaked at #3 in the Transgender Studies category on Amazon. She started writing at the age of 10 and won a poetry contest in 4th grade which convinced her to pursue a career in literature. Her personal experiences as a transgender woman give her a unique perspective on trans topics.

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