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Tag: Top lists & trends

Transgender Superheroes You Must Know

Transgender representation in films is vital. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that all kinds of representation are helpful in improving the image that trans people have to most people. In a world where a lot of trans individuals are educated and are excelling in their chosen professions, mainstream media still chooses to tell stories about […]

Top Transgender Podcasters You Should Follow

With so many forms of entertainment, it’s very hard to select which one to choose. The pandemic has slowed down the time but it has also left more room for idleness. Books and films share the same requirement to be enjoyed, they entail 100% undivided attention. This is where music and podcasts take over. They […]

Transgender Politicians You Must Know

The fight for gender equality and the rights of transgender people are far from over. This is why it’s comforting to know that transgender politicians already exist. It is trans people who completely understand the struggle of what it’s like to live as a trans person in today’s bigoted society. This is why trans politicians […]

TikTok Transgender Women Worth Following

One of the factors that propelled TikTok the most was the COVID-19 pandemic. Because it’s a fun and interactive app that anyone can utilize from home, many people have joined its bandwagon. From dances, storytelling, memes, informational videos, short teasers, transitions, lip syncs, etc., any type of content is easily consumable in this mega-hyped app. […]

Inspirational Transgender Youtubers You Should Subscribe To

Transgender individuals have been getting a lot of media attention for the past 3 years. But in social media, their names are exploding like wildfire. Even more so in the popular video streaming app website YouTube whereby hundreds of millions of people are subscribed to the new breed of influencers. If you love consuming content […]

Top Trans Actors You Should Know About

Transgender representation in mainstream media has always been problematic, especially since the most common tropes that have been made popular often portray transpeople – and especially transwomen – in a negative light. But there are exceptions to this depressing trope. Some might surprise you, and others you may already know. Late 2018 to 2019 was […]

The World’s Famous Transgender People

No matter how discriminatory the world’s climate is against transgender people, they still push through and flourish. Beyond the stereotypes, underestimation, and negativity that surrounds transgender individuals, there’s light. Today, you’ll be introduced to a lot of famous transgender people.

Transgender Sports and the Athletes

Since time immemorial, sports have been part of the global culture. Most people participate in sports as a hobby while some, for professional reasons. In most sporting activities, competition exists. Along with this competition are winners, runner-ups, and various placements.

Transgender Books to Read

Are you in a literary mood but your interest in transgenderism is also prevalent? Why not mix both and read transgender books? Today, you’re going to be provided with a list of great books concerning transgender people, be it fiction or non-fiction. Most of the books that are in here are easily found on Amazon […]

Top Five Transgender Anime Characters from the ‘90s

Growing up transgender in the late 80s to late 90s, it was quite difficult to find the right kind of positive media representation that made one proud, or at least comfortable about being trans. In a world saturated with Western media, trans-representation can be a rare thing.